Thursday 31 October 2013

*Must Read* Stages of Self - Dependence, Independence and Interdependence

We all have a life journey which can be considered very similar. We are born to a Mother and Father who we depend upon. Who teaches us the ways of being. As men our fathers teach us what it is to be a Man and what it means to carry the family name.
Our life has a natural cycle of self and connection with your chosen partner. Alot of Men out there are stuck in dependence and are seeking a relationship with a woman going straight into Interdependence. This is not going to happen. As a Man you have to stand on your own feet. You have to be able to live without a woman and become independent in order to meet a girl who will move you into Interdependence. Interdependence is a relationship where both individuals are independent and come together to share themselves with each other with an understanding that their own happiness is their own responsibility.

Signs of being in Dependence:
- Listening to others opinions
- Caring what others think of you
- Are in group-think
- Does not like being alone
- Seeks comfort in unfamiliar places

Signs of being in Independence:
- Has formed own set of rules in life
- Enjoys his own company
- Loves own self and does not need to be validation
- Feels they are enough
- Fearless
- Makes own decisions
- Leads own life
- Does not think for others
- Believes he is the most important person in his life.

Signs of being in Interdependence:
- Still independent
- Able to make decision for both in the relationship.
- Does not jeopardise own happiness in relationship.

Stages of Life

1st                           2nd                            3rd
Dependence => Independence => Interdependence

If you are wanting to attract a woman you must be a strong independent man who is on his own path and journey in his life. If you are stuck in dependence you must transform yourself and life into Independence. With Independence comes confidence and belief in ones own self. Love who you are, set boundaries around you, enjoy your own freedom and be in control of your own self. Men who are independent minded are naturally more attractive, safe, secure, likeable, trustworthy, own their what they say, have purpose and have a compass in life. All the qualities and hallmarks of a Man.


Monday 28 October 2013

Always Compliment a Woman - 5 tips to help you become fearless

Guy are attracted by beauty and girls are attracted to how a guy makes them feel. Honesty is the best way forward.

When a guy sees a woman and something about the way she appears to him makes his desires run wild this is a good thing, this is natural.

Somewhere guys thought it was wrong to compliment a woman. I believe if you are genuine and come from a honest place then your compliments will be always spot on.

You like what you see and you let her know what you like about her.

A woman's beauty is a fantastic thing and needs to be admired. Women go to lengths to pretty themselves up for guys.

They make themselves look great for you and you don't even notice? There has to be something wrong when as a Man can't speak his mind.

Let her know what you think about her. Tell her what you like about the way she looks. If you are attracted to her then you let her know! Whatever comes into your mind when you see her come right out and say it to her.

I've only ever had girls blush when I tell them how they look to me. I've never been hit or loud mouthed back. You speak the truth, you have nothing to fear.

Honesty can turn a girl on.

Here are 5 tips to help you when complimenting a woman:

1) Examine her. Take in her beauty.

2) Let her run into your body. Allow your mind to wander and be turned on by her presence.

3) Don't think what she might think about your compliment. Don't second guess yourself. There is no such thing as fear. She is just a woman and you don't need to put her on a pedestal. 

4) Tell her what you like about her. Give her that compliment. Compliment is anything that you like about her.

5) Enjoy her and don't fall back on what you say. Own what you've said, no need to defend yourself and if she blushes that's perfect. You've just hit her sweet spot where she doesn't know what to say and her mind has come out of autopilot response.

You should only compliment a woman when it is genuine and when there is something about her that turns you on. Hallow compliments women easily see through. Only give genuine compliments to a woman. Honesty spoken allows great things to happen.

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Sunday 27 October 2013

Building Confidence - Self Love


This statement is never truer when it comes to gaining respect from others. You must love yourself more than others love you. You are the only person who can love yourself. People who say life is important are right. No one else thinks your life is important only you know it is.

Time is precious. You have little time on this earth so you have to enjoy every minute of it. When you love yourself you demonstrate to others how you want to be treated. A lack of confidence allows others to walk right over you with no hesitation or remorse. They see your value as less than their own. You enjoy any banter and you never lose your self confidence. You are "The Man" you know yourself better than anyone else. 

Its not surprising that girls number one attribute in a male is confidence. With self confidence you have less fear and you go for what you want. Having self confidence makes you feel like you are on top of the world. You are always feeling your best.

5 Tips for building self confidence. Do the things you love and make you feel positive.

1) Join a gym or work out at home. It's important for men to be physical and get exercise.

2) Play a sport.

3) Join some kind of club.

4) Eat healthy. Food is huge factor in state of mind.

5) Go out more. Be positive and meet new people. Compliment women tell them what you like about how they look. First impressions count.

The key to confidence is getting out of your head and walking around in a positive mood, allow yourself to appreciate things and communicate to others what you are thinking. Honesty goes a long way. You shouldn't be afraid of what others are thinking. You can only think for yourself.

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Thursday 24 October 2013

The Rules of meeting

As males with testosterone pumping through our body when it comes to meeting a girl we act like a bull behind a gate already to unleash ourselves on them. We want to get the girl right away and bed her as soon as possible. This can be detrimental when it comes to getting with woman.
We forget our manners. We forget she's a person. We also forget she's got things other than you on her mind. 

When meeting a woman for the first time you have to always be considerate towards her while directing her towards your ultimate goal of being with her. When your mum said that manners are important. She was right. Particularly when you meet an attractive girl for the first time. You meet her, you then talk to her and then you direct her by giving your number and telling her what you'd like to do next with her. Then she has the power to pursuit you if she liked you.

Hi my name is.... 

I couldn't help take my eyes off you and had to come say hello.

Here is my number I'd like to hang out with you some time. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Simple and authentic. Doing this makes a statement and takes away any games that girls like to play with a guy.


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Learn to say No - The importance of boundaries

You are obligated to live a fulfilled life according to you own needs and desires. Knowledge of your needs and wants is knowing thy self. Knowledge of what you want and what you don't want. This is crucial to being a Man. For he who knows what he wants focuses on them and forgets the rest.

Saying no is crucial when interacting in the world. Achieving your desired outcome happens by focusing on the goal and moving towards that goal and sticking to the path you originally set out. As men you live in no grey zone. You live in Black and white. Clear cut.

Knowledge of needs and desires = Knowledge of self = Act towards fulfilment of desires

If the desire is towards a woman and it is not met. The process starts again with the pursuit of the desires being met by another woman who wants the same desires as you.
Abundance is the correct mentality. You don't force something to happen. It requires both to have the same desire and need to make the natural click.

You want a Ferrari, you walk into a car yard selling Honda's you have lost already. You want a Ferrari you go to the dealership that sells Ferraris. Or else you will be sold a Honda and you have to deal with the fact that it wasn't what you wanted. This should be a fail. However you might walk into a dealership that sells both Ferrari's and Honda's.
"Sir we have a great Honda Civic that you can drive away today"
"No I have come to look at your Ferrari's"
"Ahh ok then please come this way sir"

Man to Woman communication.

You: "Wow you a god damn sexy" give her a twirl
Her: "How about you buy me a drink"
You: "No I'm not buying you a drink..we are having a dance"
If she follows your lead. You know she likes you. If She doesn't and resists you. You walk. She's not the girl you need. You've heard that cliché before. Watch out she's taking you for your money. These girls exist. They prey on guys who give them things. You refuse to be one of these men by saying no and having boundaries. A woman wants a man who has these boundaries because she can respect him.

Know what you want from any relationship with a woman and go forth to the path of fulfilment. Don't forget that she is just like you. She has the same wants and desires. Man to woman communication is always towards sex. Both Men and Women have the driving need for sex. A woman might have wants for others things to fulfil her own happiness. This is her own pursuit endeavour . Your job is to only focus on the need for sex that you both have. Its your job to make her feel special by treating her as woman who has that need.

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The Scorpion and the Frog - Nature cannot be changed

One of my favourite stories that talks about the nature inside that cannot be changed. The nature that is in us as human beings who are animal.

The Scorpion and the Frog One day, a scorpion looked around at the mountain where he lived and decided that he wanted a change. So he set out on a journey through the forests and hills. He climbed over rocks and under vines and kept going until he reached a river. 

The river was wide and swift, and the scorpion stopped to reconsider the situation. He couldn't see any way across. So he ran upriver and then checked downriver, all the while thinking that he might have to turn back. Suddenly, he saw a frog sitting in the rushes by the bank of the stream on the other side of the river. He decided to ask the frog for help getting across the stream. 

 "Hellooo Mr. Frog!" called the scorpion across the water, "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the river?" 
"Well now, Mr. Scorpion! How do I know that if I try to help you, you wont try to kill me?"asked the frog hesitantly. 
"Because," the scorpion replied, "If I try to kill you, then I would die too, for you see I cannot swim!" Now this seemed to make sense to the frog. But he asked. 
"What about when I get close to the bank? You could still try to kill me and get back to the shore!" 
"This is true," agreed the scorpion, "But then I wouldn't be able to get to the other side of the river!" 
"Alright do I know you wont just wait till we get to the other side and THEN kill me?" said the frog. 
"Ahh...," crooned the scorpion, "Because you see, once you've taken me to the other side of this river, I will be so grateful for your help, that it would hardly be fair to reward you with death, now would it?!"

So the frog agreed to take the scorpion across the river. He swam over to the bank and settled himself near the mud to pick up his passenger. The scorpion crawled onto the frog's back, his sharp claws prickling into the frog's soft hide, and the frog slid into the river. The muddy water swirled around them, but the frog stayed near the surface so the scorpion would not drown. He kicked strongly through the first half of the stream, his flippers paddling wildly against the current. Halfway across the river, the frog suddenly felt a sharp sting in his back and, out of the corner of his eye, saw the scorpion remove his stinger from the frog's back. A deadening numbness began to creep into his limbs. 

"You fool!" croaked the frog, "Now we shall both die! Why on earth did you do that?" The scorpion shrugged, and did a little jig on the drownings frog's back. 
"I could not help myself. It is my nature." Then they both sank into the muddy waters of the swiftly flowing river.

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The Lion - Rules of Attraction

The qualities of a Lion are admirable. He is the king of his pride and he only eats and has sex with any of the females who fulfil his need. He runs the pride based on his presence. He doesn't even need to hunt for his food, he has his females to do that for him. This is the kingdom of the animal. This is the way of life.

We forget that we are no different. We choose to believe as human males we are different from the lion. The truth is we are no different at all. For most of us males we have forgotten the simple fact that we are the lion, that same kind of animal and is within us Men. We are the kings. We are the champions of our own lives. The rulers of our own state of mind. Our mind is of an animal and its only modern society that has complicated our minds, its our minds that have complicated attraction and it is our own animalistic mind that sets us free. 

The secret is no secret at all. Switch your thinking off and allow your animal mind to take over. When you do that you go straight up to a woman and tell her what you are thinking. You feel it in your body. She makes you call to the wild. Feel how she makes you excited. You walk up to her  and express how you feel.

When you think, you stop that animal in you. You think more than you have to and you die. You die inside. That animal knows it. When you she a female who turns you on and you feel turned on. She's entered your animal body. Get out of your animals way and let the animal go forth and express. You leave her with your contact details and you leave. She knows you like her, you make her feels different just by your approach which is mindless and coming from the lion heart, then you walk off and leave her be. You aren't like most guys out there. You are a champion. You are a Lion.
You take her power away and she has to come to you. You who is the king of your realm.

Just like a Vampire who needs to be invited in. She lets you know. The lion in you takes care of the rest.

Enjoy Gentlemen

Always remember that you are the lion. You are the king of the wilderness. Go looking for the Queen who can take care of your needs and desires. Everything else is silly games that need not be played. You hold all the cards. You are "The Man" that every woman wants to be with.
Any other thoughts going through you mind is false and isn't needed. So get rid of it. Only think like the Lion.

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Monday 21 October 2013

Confident Men - Part 1: External Confidence Seeker

Here is part one of the two part articles that I am releasing to my readers about male confidence and the fact that there exists two types. The External Confidence seeker and the Internal Confident Man.

External Confidence Seeker

Referred to as The "Nice guy", "The Friend" and the "Beta male".
What you are about to read is the honest truth and will set you free in the world. Once you realise that you fit into this archetype, realise its been programmed into you and you can become aware of what's happening and change things for yourself.

The external confidence seeker is a guy who is reactive to the environment he exists within. He is totally at odds with what is going on around him and reacts to what comes his way. He will not only be emotionally attached to girls, he will believe he can read minds of people and be afraid to speak his own mind to those around him. Because of this he tends to be silent and lash out on those closest to him and loves to complain and vent his frustrations of others. Why?
Because he believes that if he invests his time and money into others, he believes that they owe his for that. He believes giving his resources out to the world makes him entitled by others. There is a huge problem...he doesn't communicate very well so those around him, people view him as being very passive and at times erratic in his mood. If things don't go his way eventually this type of guy gets angry and frustrated.

Girls know that there are guys out there that will buy them what they want to be with them. They know that these guys will try buy their validation as a worth sexual partner and she will happily continue dating this guy for his gifts and money. He will not fulfil her need for his leadership and her sexual desire to be wild. But the most important thing is...he will not be overtly sexual with her. This is bad for him. He won't know if she finds him attractive, he doesn't communicate that he is sexually interested in her and instead acts friendly towards her and turns the girl off sexually or worst of all the girl sees him as an opportunity to use him for his money.

5 things these guys need to know:

1) Don't be afraid of what a woman will say to you.

2) Say whats on your mind and tell them what you are thinking. Honesty!

3) Don't use your money or invest into the girl before you get to know her alot better and that means sexually.

4) Don't be afraid of thinking dirty thoughts about her, she will be thinking the same thing so let her know and unleash her wild side.

5) Compliment her on how she looks and look her up and down like you are studying every part of her body. Allow yourself to be turned on by her. A girl likes a guy who likes the way they look.

Remember: When a guy doesn't communicate or be firm with a woman then she will play up on him. She will order him around and demand respect by disrespecting him and if he doesn't stand up his happiness is in jeopardy. He needs to command respect from her by being upfront and honest while remaining in a controlled state of mind (A man's happiness is his own.) It's not your job to make her happy, its your job to make her feel special and sexy.

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Saturday 19 October 2013

Equality and effect on Men in society

When it comes to attraction beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A man will like the look of one woman and another man will not. We are animals and our instincts run deep within our own DNA. However in a society where Men are becoming less dominant and where women are becoming more dominant some men are suffering silently. Genetically Men and women are different. Their purpose for living are different. Men are born to procreate or sow the seed and women are born to nurture the offspring. Both Men and Women enjoy sex for pleasure and each derive fulfilment from partaking in the act of good sex.

Society today has become very pro female and more and more Men are being forgotten or overlooked. This hurts the males of the future in the way that their minds develop and the way they are taught to interact with the opposite sex.

Equality gave females the rights that men are given from birth. Facts are there are more single women today who are suffering from anxiety and depression than there has ever been since equality was placed in society. Now I don't want to come off as being a female hater because I am anything but one. I love females very much so. But it is apparent that some things are not working in harmony with the way they are supposed to. Rather than being equals women have become more powerful than men. Women have more rights than men particularly when it comes to parenthood or marriage divorce. This isn't just hurting men its hurt women.

Studies into primitive tribes who still exist today show that they are much more happier and functional than our own modern social structure. These tribes live in a harmony between tradition and simple structure. Manhood is gained when a boy reaches puberty, is taken away from the family environment, goes through traditional men only rituals and set forth to fend for himself and create a family of this own. In a western society we lack this structure and often males never reach Manhood and don't understand what it is to be a man operating in the world creating his own reality.

The battling of equality creates alot of friction between the sexes when the fact remains that our biology is unchanged. Women give birth and nurture the young and men are the providers. However this being said with equality parenthood has changed. Both parents work, sending their kids to someone else to look after and raise them and his can cause dysfunction to that child in itself. That's a whole other topic and I don't want to touch on that.

If you have a view on anything raised in this article please leave a comment.


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Thursday 17 October 2013

Self Confidence - Critical to any Success

As I am writing this article I have a relaxed smile upon my face thinking of all the things that make life plain and simply good. All the bullshit of life goes way and you think "damn this life is good". Simple is better. I think we always knew that from the very start of our beginning in life. Along the way our mind picks up on things, we absorb the things that defines us. Maturity is knowing thy self and going into the world unafraid pursuing what we want with confidence.

The one problem today is its so damn noisey. As we are bombarded with things through media and other peoples opinions. We begin to buy into what others tell us to be the right way. Our freedom is dictated by external matters and we begin to not know thy self and rely on others opinions of us to form who we are.

It can be great at the top of the world and then one day you will find yourself come crashing down burning crying like a baby who has had his favourite toy stolen from him and wants it back! External gratification is a dangerous thing. Those who seek it can potentially go insane or soon realise its not all that it plays out to be.

You don't have to take my word for it just have a look at celebrities and their relationship with the media. The media makes them gods then the next day takes it all away leaving them to seek more godliness from them. This is not healthy this is insanity built on hype.

Ones self should be a constant. A man must be a constant in his own world and must love himself to receive love from others. How do you define confidence? Well I believe there is two forms of it. One is fleeting and the other is constant. But the paradox is that the constant interacts with a fleeting world and the fleeting interacts with fleeting chance hoping for a constant.

Those men that rely on external sources for confidence run into more problems then those who self generate from within in a constant wave. The two are miles apart in their own quest. First one wants validation and wants to know he is valid in the world externally and the other believes he is valid and goes forth in his own belief that he is enough.

I would like to address both these two forms of confidence (External confidence and Internal confidence) in further articles. In both these artcles you will gain a greater understand of yourself as a man and you will become conscious in yourself. The purpose is for you to learn and become a more fulfilled individual with greater understanding.

Why is Confidence important?
To be able to interact in the world you must have a level of self confidence. Confidence is attractive and magnetic. Real confidence shows to another person that deep down you have a healthy level of love and respect for your own yourself.

I strongly suggest you read The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand as you will probably have one of those aha moments. For those who are not into reading long books then this is not the book for you. Alternatively you can get a copy of the audiobook listen in your down time or dismiss it all together. Ayn Rand is a fantastic advocate of men being in love with themselves first in order to receive love from women. She wrote many books that preach this whole heartedly.

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Friday 11 October 2013

*Controversial* Who cares what the Woman is thinking about

To all the men reading this article I want you to read this all carefully and take in everything being expressed. If you have to read it twice then so be it. The things write are for your knowledge and wisdom. If it feels all new to you and hits you like a bolt of lightning giving you a shock to your core then GOOD!

In the animal kingdom there exists two purposes in life and maybe three if you are lower on the food chain. To Eat, Fuck and run (if you are in danger of getting eaten). Animals are incredible.. They go about doing their thing and they don't seem to exhibit much trouble in their life. They aren't complicated beings like we are. They are simple and they live a life that is uncomplicated and there is only one prick that can ruin it for them and that's us. We use our brains. We change the environment focusing on our own species survival and strength.

What we forget is that we are animal. Its in our DNA. We have brains that make us smarter than other animals yet we are still animal like them. We should only have two things in our mind.  Eat and fuck. We don't have to think about running because our ancestors have helped us to the top of the food chain. You could say no that's not true....I have to get an education. I have to work. I have to do this and that. You will find it ultimately leads to being able to eat and fuck.

So when you are going about getting those two things you have to focus and go about doing it. Easy right? You focus in your job and you focus when playing sport yet when it comes to women a guys focus goes wayward or completely out the window. Either fear comes in or a sense of shame in the pursuit of a woman.

To understand this you have to realise that there should not be a senses of shame or fear when in the pursuit of a beautiful desirable woman. You are born to do it! If your father didn't do it you wouldn't have been born and he wouldn't have been born if his father didn't this is just reality of life. I believe you have the right to pursue as many women as you desire however you won't desire alot of them. You simply won't find them attractive. One way or another you won't find some girls attractive. That's natural. If you look at a girl and feel attracted to her you pursue her.

This lead me to my main topic of this write up.

Who cares what she's thinking about. Ok first a little background story.

I remember being young losing sleeping over chasing beautiful young women. I would be a gentlemen and small talk them for awhile, they would walk off in a friendly manner and I'd then chase them around. I began to focusing on courting girls and being more present and creating the action with the girl was the way to fast forward the relationship with a woman. On a subconscious level I didn't know it but I was leading them physically moving them and playful grabbing them in dominant ways with the focus on only myself and having fun. I realise the one thing in the past that was really getting me in my head was listening to the woman. When I listen to the woman I began to try to think about what she was thinking about. It was a complete mind trap.
When it comes to a relationships with women you can only think about one person and that person is YOU! Only you. When a girl asks me something I'd reply to them with "I" statements.
You are the most important person in the interaction after all you are the one who the survival of the species depends on. Don't forget that. You are the most important person in the interaction and deep down every girl know this. You just have to believe this and go forth getting her. You are more valuable than her.

When I began to not listen to girls and signalling to them that i'm the most important person within the interaction I began to have way more fun. I was able to lead interaction towards what a man and woman ultimately want each other for...Sex.

In your mind you should look at a desirable girl just like you look at a yummy looking bit of steak. You start cooking it and you think about how its going to taste when you are devouring it. When its cooked enough you then eat. Simple right?
Apply the same thing to women. You see her. You desire her. You go about getting her. You focus and you get. Just like that piece of Steak. You lead the steak to the BBQ. You cook it and then you eat it. The steak won't cook itself for you and jump on your plate. You have to do the work for yourself and the steak becomes tasty for you. The girl is not different.

When you focus on the girl you get her by not listening to what she says. I would say that the majority of what a girl says is entirely based on her emotional state and depending on how she feels. But I don't know what a girl is thinking about and as a man neither should you we are not females. You have to focus on what you want to do with her and slowly or adventurously go forth getting towards that plan. Now don't think for a second that she does know you are pursuing her. Girls know you are so just enjoy the process and go through with it. ITS EXPECTED OF YOU!

PS. If a girl says No and really doesn't like you don't worry about it. She's not that kind of steak that you are after. Move on you've got genes to spread!

All the best

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Wednesday 9 October 2013

What do you want? 5 Things you should think about before going after any girl

As I am writing this I am thinking of all the simple things I want to tell you to "Get a Girl". But I'd be an idiot if I didn't start with one simple question. WHAT DO YOU WANT?

Do you want a girlfriend, a friend relationship with benefits, a wife or do you want a one night stand?

This is incredibly important. Why?

I believe the more you know what you want in life in general the more you can direct your own choices and destiny. YOU become the leader of your own life!

SO..What do you want from the woman? For you to be attracted to that woman you are after what are the qualities she has for your liking?

Physical qualities: eg. Big hips, Big Breasts, Brown hair, long legs.

Energy qualities: eg. Excitable, relaxed, adventurous, high energy.

When you know what you want in a woman and become conscious of looking for it, when you see her you get turned on. Your mind says "There she is...shes mine" you become horny. Because of this I believe you are more likely to take action. When the animal brain takes over it wants the girl and doesn't think too much else!

What do you want the woman for?

This is a huge question! I don't think enough guys think about this one well enough. I know I do. I WANT HER FOR SEX.

I'd like to think I'm pretty good at most things and I don't need her to tell me what to do.

I like it when a girl cooks for me. I like it when a girl gives me a massage after a workout or a game of sport. I like a girl that does things for me. BUT... I like a girl for one primary reason.. I'm attracted to her and want to FUCK her.

Too many guys make the mistake of going for a girl subtly having the want for sex rather than driving that car that has sex all over it! I mean to say that you need to be HONEST with a girl.

When you are honest you lead her. Every girl stresses the same thing about a guy...he needs to communicate better.

Yeah it's true we speak less words daily than women do. I like to think we do because we are more direct and upfront in our dialogue and don't beat around the bush with things. To be a good communicator to a woman doesn't take rocket science or massive amount of brain power. When you know what you want you direct your life and you communicate better to others and particularly to women.

I'm going to keep it simple here fellow brothers. Learn what you like and what you don't like.
Know what you want in a woman. Keep it simple. If you are not sure then you better work harder than the rest of us and get out there and experience the women only then will you begin to understand what you are after.

5 things you should do for yourself:

1) Make a list of physical qualities you like in a woman

2) Make a list of character qualities you like in a woman?

3) Ask yourself what you want a girl for right now and remember this can change.

4) Don't be scared to communicate your intentions to the girl and what you like about her be it physical or character based. Make a statement of observation then pursuit past it.

5) Refine from the above and become clear as to What you are after in a woman.

Now once you've done this you can be conscious and clear about the type of woman you want and go get her unapologetically knowing she's your type.


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