Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Honesty - The Language of being an Attractive Man

If you were told to only learn just one thing to do well with life and women. It's always be honest. I remember an old acquaintance once told me a story. He told me when he was growing up he admired his grandfather. He had his life in order and was loved by those who cared about him and also had fewer good friends. One day he asked his Grandfather what is the secret to be him. He told him being a Man. Major part of being a Man is being honest.

"You must be able to look a person in the eyes and tell them what you honesty think about them."

I like to think of this as the key to anyone life. Always be honest. People talk about having good body language, improving confidence and being an attractive guy. You might as well forget it. You have to master honesty in order to be a better person. You have to communicate what you are thinking about.

Always be honest! Sometimes you might not say what you are thinking but allow yourself to think it. I know this sounds completely stupid. But media and social pressure can suppress our thoughts.

Allow yourself to have any thoughts. Allow them to surface.

Be honest. If you find this hard? I have an exercise for you.

A day of honesty - Honest exercise 

Commit to a day of being honest with the objective of only being honest not being pleasing (only being honest). Speak your mind. Whatever you say stand behind it. If you say you will do something go through with it and do it. Become honest then people trust your character, your consistency and can trust you.

You might realise that you lie alot. You say the exact opposite of what you are thinking. Due to guilt or a fear of being judged. DO NOT HAVE THIS! It not only imprisons you, it imprisons those around you and makes them feel like they can say whatever they are thinking.

The more honest you are the more you find people are exactly the same as you. You realise people are being suppressed and by your very nature of being unfiltered you release them. Suppression leads to anxiety which causes havoc on your body. You will have a much more relaxed life, you will have the people in your life who fulfils yours needs. People who you thought were good friends may drift apart with you naturally and you realise they weren't serving you at all.

Honesty brings out boldness, kindness, genuine compliments, creativity, intelligence, and all the good things. Honesty also tells others what you don't like. Tells other about your own personal boundaries crucial to getting respect from others.


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